Saturday, January 7, 2017

When All is Quiet

Growing up in northwestern Pennsylvania, a good portion of my year revolved around snow.  My Halloween costume had to fit over my winter coat.  I wore snow boots to school and packed other shoes in my backpack.  Only a few times did I get to enjoy an Easter dress with cute shoes and a little floppy hat.  My friends and I would spend hours watching movie marathons, eating popcorn, and baking cookies.  And of course, there were snowball fights, snow forts, sledding, and ice skating with my brother.  We had to find ways to still get out and have fun when months and months were spent buried under multiple feet of snow.  And yes, we always had school.  ALWAYS.

Here in the south, it's a different story.  Life comes to a grinding halt when a snowstorm rolls through.  The roads become almost impassible without equipment to keep them clear, and everyone becomes shut away in their homes unless they absolutely, positively must be out.  For some, this might be a nightmare, but I love the peace and quiet that comes with snow days.  The blanket of white outside is gorgeous, and the rush and busyness of life slows down.  It's like I can take a breather, with permission, and just "be".  But with that quiet comes loud thoughts in my head.  And today those thoughts are focused on my diet.  It seems silly, but today I felt sad.  I felt like I was missing out.  I wanted to bake cookies, or drink hot cocoa, or make pizza.  I wanted to have popcorn while watching a movie.  I wanted the comfort that comes from comfort foods.  And I thought back to how many years I spent that way growing up.  It's amazing how food ties into our memories.

I stayed strong and stayed busy to avoid thinking about "forbidden" foods.  I cleaned the kitchen and both bathrooms.  I scrubbed the windows that featured my dogs' nose art.  I organized our shoe closet.  I went for a walk and enjoyed the crisp, snowy air.  And I still got to enjoy some yummy food.  I just need to realize now that I'm building my own new traditions.  Like a veggie and egg white omelette, plus oats with cinnamon and slivered almonds.  And a nice, hot bowl of shrimp jambalaya after being out in the cold.  It's different, but it's still delicious.  I'm well-fed, I'm warm, and I'm happy.  It's a lot to be thankful for.

And let's talk about improvements over the last week!  The past two nights I've slept all the way through the night, I've had only minor pain during workouts, and today I was able to put my heating pad away because I haven't needed it!  And a bonus...I've lost 2.6 pounds!  All of these triumphs let me know I'm on the right track, and that makes the small sacrifices and adjustments worth it.  

So here's to a few more days of peace and quiet with snow falling outside.  I hope you find some joy in it as well.

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