Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Questions, Temptation, and Chicken Salad

Not gonna lie.  Day #3 was a little rough.  It was my first day back at work and I felt lethargic the entire day.  I also had a raging headache, which continued until I ate dinner tonight.  My workout felt miserable, although I think most people felt that way today!  It was a tough one!

I've been at this point before.  I know my body is adjusting to the detox...but man, the struggle was real.  Co-workers also offered me chocolate three different times today.  I successful declined, but I was seriously tempted to have "just one".  I know where that leads though.  Sweets are my downfall, and stopping after I start is almost impossible.  I'm looking forward to a cup of blueberries and raspberries with coconut cream for dessert tonight!

I also had a great question from a fellow Jungle Gym beast today during our workout.  She was curious about my decision to choose more plant-based options and whether I was giving up all animal products.  Some women who go on an Endometriosis Diet do adopt a Vegan lifestyle.  I unfortunately am not prepared at this point to do that.  I need a lot of protein, and I just can't see myself consuming enough from a plant-based diet.  So for now, I'll stick with eliminating red meat and processed meats.  This will still reduce the amount of negative prostaglandins I'm consuming.  The "bad" prostaglandins come from animal fats and saturated fat, and they directly contribute to the pain and inflammation I've been experiencing.

Another positive today was the AMAZING Curried Chicken Salad I had for lunch!  I made a big batch yesterday and stored it in a glass bowl so I can scoop out servings over romaine lettuce.  The recipe comes from Danielle Walker's cookbook Against All Grain: Delectable Paleo Recipes to Eat Well and Feel Great.  I also found the recipe posted here.  I omitted the carrots (I HATE CARROTS!) and also didn't have mint leaves.  For the mayonnaise, you can choose based on your preferences.  I used a paleo olive oil mayo.  If you're not worried about being strictly paleo, you can use a traditional mayo.  I found the Curry Powder mix at Trader Joe's.  It's spicy, so you'll definitely want the grapes to cool things down.  So delicious and filling!!!

Daily Stats:

Sleep: Poor.  Woke up at 2:00 A.M. and couldn't fall back asleep.  Finally got up at 4:30.  😐
Energy Level:  Very low...plus a headache.
Meals:  Stuck to the plan, but I didn't a chance to eat my oats this morning.  Definitely need to make sure I eat all my food tomorrow.
Workout:  Rough one today!  So many burpees, pull ups, wall climbs, V ups, and weight lunges!  Loved the rope jacks though.  
Weight: 150.8 lbs (Down .6)

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