Monday, January 2, 2017

So...What Exactly CAN I Eat??

I love food.  I love the comfort of food.  I love the emotional attachment to food.  Food means meals with loved ones and friends.  Food means fuel when I'm famished from a workout.  Food means a big bowl of ice cream when I've had a terrible day.  Food means celebrating the good times in life.  So the question I ask as I begin this diet is...WHAT IN THE WORLD CAN I EAT???

I know choosing this lifestyle means just that.  Making a conscious choice to decide on foods that are better for my body and my needs.  It means forgoing what's easier or more convenient.  It means letting go of certain habits and comforts.  But it also means choosing health.  Energy.  The ability to sleep soundly at night.  The hope of a pain-free day, week, or even month.  The possibility of completing a workout and truly giving my all.  The chance to take days off of work to go do something fun, instead of having to call out sick because I can't get out of bed.  Instead of worrying about making plans because I might not feel well, I can finally look beyond with hope for brighter days ahead.

So I will focus on what I CAN eat instead of the laundry list of what I can't.  I know my restrictions, and the list is long.  No alcohol, caffeine, gluten, dairy, refined flour or sugar, red meat, processed meats, or soy.  But there are still lots of options and great recipes available.  It just takes a little more prep, creativity, and willingness to try something new.  I found a bunch of ideas in these cookbooks, plus some great websites.  Paleo options are helpful because they eliminate many of my restricted foods, but I still find that I need to tweak some recipes.  I'll keep playing around and hope to try a few new meals each week.  

Here's my approved list of foods:  

(Based on information from and The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program by Worwood & Stonehouse)

- Variety of vegetables (especially dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale)
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Garlic
- Sauerkraut
- Variety of fruits (especially dark berries)

- Beans
- Sweet potatoes
- Tomatoes (avoid canned if possible)
- Rice
- Quinoa
- Oats

- Olive Oil 
- Coconut Oil
- Avocados
- Nuts (especially walnuts, cashews, and almonds)
- Seeds

- Salmon
- Shrimp, Oysters, Clams, Lobster, Crab
- Chicken, Pork, or Turkey (lean)

- Coconut Aminos
- Coconut Milk
- Organic Honey
- Stevia
- Mustard
- Vinegar
- Spices and seasonings

- Almond Milk
- Green Tea

My goal is to stick to this plan completely until my birthday, which is March 20.  Then I will enjoy some drinks and favorite foods and see just how I feel.  I may regret it, but it gives me a more manageable goal to work towards.  After that, I'll reset and start again.  I want to keep this going long-term to really monitor the affects.  I have high hopes that this can be the lifestyle change I need to truly LIVE MY LIFE!!

Daily Stats:

Sleep: Poor.  Woke up at 3:00 A.M. with minor pain and couldn't fall back asleep until 5:00 A.M.
Energy Level:  Good, especially after Jungle Gym.
Meals:  Stuck to the plan completely.  Excited for Paleo Meatloaf tonight for dinner!
Workout:  Felt amazing during the entire workout!  I was even able to do Ninja Rolls without the help of a riser.  Super proud moment since I hate them!!
Weight: 151.4 lbs (Which means no holiday weight gain!!)

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