Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Because a Girl's Gotta Have Dessert

One of the toughest habits for me to break is my love affair with sweets.  My parents offered me fudge to motivate me as I first learned to walk.  I celebrated t-ball games and straight A report cards with a trip to get ice cream.  And my mom's baking?  Don't get me started.  She used to send me care packages in college filled with the best sugar cookies and caramel popcorn.  And her pies...  Good. Lord. Almighty.  I honestly don't bake much for fear that I won't live up to her level of greatness.

Somewhere along the way I picked up the idea that sweets equal celebration, and honestly, I can find any reason to celebrate.  I developed a terrible habit of "just picking up something small" when I was out grocery shopping.  My husband and I don't keep junk food in the house, but if I eat in the car, it doesn't count...right??  (P.S.  He does this too.  Many Kit Kat wrappers have been dumped as evidence.)  I'll find a chocolate-drizzled kettlecorn or a funky chocolate bar and be convinced that I HAVE to try it.  I act as if the world is ending tomorrow and I might miss my opportunity.  And holidays or parties?  Best believe I will try every dessert available, even if my stomach is about to burst.  

The funny thing is, I always thought this was just me.  I felt like it made me a weirdo, and that my willpower was out of control.  I could meal prep, and eat more veggies, but sweets always found their way back into my "healthy" diet.  And it wasn't just once a week.  Nope.  It was almost daily.  Even my co-workers knew this, as they offered me peanut butter cups on the regular.  But as I did more research on endometriosis, I found that this is actually a common symptom.  Women with the condition tend to have strong cravings for sweets.  And the more you eat, the more you want.  I knew giving up this monster would be the toughest.  Even more so than coffee.  (Gasp!)

So I scoured my options and decided I would figure out a way to enjoy "dessert" so I didn't feel deprived.  My newest creation is one I'm pretty proud of, and it hits the spot as my after dinner treat.  

- 1 cup frozen organic blueberries and raspberries (I scoop them out while I eat dinner and let them thaw)
- 2 teaspoons of chilled organic coconut milk (Once chilled, it flakes off with a spoon and you can shake it onto the fruit)
- A drizzle of organic honey (A little goes a long way!)

Voila!  My taste buds are happy!  The berries are sweet and slightly tart, the coconut milk is creamy and feels indulgent, and the honey adds just the right amount of sweetness.  My next step is to try this blended together, because I have a hunch it could be sorbet or sherbet-esque.  For now, I'm enjoying it as a little bowl of goodness. 

The hubby and I also made some awesome Dijon Mustard Turkey Sliders and Homemade Coleslaw from our trainer's Epic Eats cookbook.  Dinner was delicious, and we have plenty for lunch tomorrow as well.  I'm finding that it's working better to make bigger dinners and take the leftovers for lunch than to meal prep everything on Sunday.  It's an adjustment for me, but I like that every day is different and more fresh.

Daily Stats:

Sleep: I had trouble falling asleep.  I was in quite a bit of pain and ended up using a heating pad and pain medicine.  After that I slept great though, and I woke up feeling much better.
Energy Level:  Great!  I didn't even need green tea in the afternoon.
Meals:  Stuck to the plan -- no problems.
Workout:  I felt pretty awful during Jungle Gym yesterday, so I listened to my body and took it easy today.  Light cardio (bike, elliptical, jogging on the treadmill) felt great.
Weight: 147.2 lbs (Down 4.2 lbs) 

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