Sunday, February 26, 2017

Who's Having the Best Week Ever?? This Girl!

This week has been incredible!  I honestly keep pinching myself to be sure it is indeed real.  Here's a quick recap of why I'm so ecstatic:

1.  Last Sunday and today, I felt amazing at ROC Training.  Last week was more cardio intensive with lots of running between obstacles, and today was more focused on specific training of skills like climbing ropes and walls, grip strength holds, spear throwing, and even a low crawl.  Very different workouts, but I felt like I could tackle both and never needed to stop.  I'm getting more and more excited as my first Spartan race grows closer.  Just six weeks away!!

2.  I was able to do Team Week workouts at Jungle Gym this week and felt like I could really contribute to my team without holding back.  In the past, team workouts always made me nervous because I feared not being able to pull my weight or having to stop.  I never wanted to let my team down or be the weak link.  This week, I felt like I could truly give my all to help my team.

3.  I made it through an entire Kettlebell class WITHOUT STOPPING!  I did all the power swings, all the speed skaters, and all the jumping jacks!  I've been taking that class for years, and I've never been able to do that without stopping due to pain.  It was such an exhilarating feeling!!!

It's amazing to think that changes I've put in place have amounted to this huge of a transformation in my quality of life.  But I believe that small changes in turn mean other more significant changes, and the positive effects build.  By cutting out coffee, I'm not only reducing inflammation, but I'm also sleeping better.  By sleeping better, I feel more rested, which helps me make better choices about my diet.  I also have less stress, which in turn means less pain.  I try to follow my plan 100% during the work week, which is pretty easy since I just eat what I bring with me.  On the weekends, I'm a little more relaxed and enjoy some meals or drinks out with friends.  This balance seems to be working well, and I don't feel like I'm missing out on life.

What also excites me is I see changes on the outside as well.  Since I feel better, I can finally give my all during workouts.  This has led to more progress in a shorter amount of time, which is really motivating and keeps me going.  I'm seeing more muscle on my frame, and I'm also witnessing what my body can do!  I'm making slow and steady gains on smaller lifts and body weight exercises, and I'm excited to see how I do with the big lifts during PR Week at Jungle Gym.  Bring on the squats, presses, cleans, and deadlifts!

I took this photo today, and it perfectly sums up how I'm feeling.  I'm happy, I'm proud, and I'm hopeful for what's to come.  I thank God every day that I'm finding relief and truly getting to live in the moment and enjoy life.  And I honestly believe that my positivity is radiating out beyond just myself.  When we take care of ourselves, we can then take care of others.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Breaking Free

There are moments in life that might seem insignificant, but below the surface, something incredible is taking place.  Untrained eyes can miss it, and even we might not realize unless we take the time to look back and reflect.

For me, today was one of the those days.

It's Team Week in Jungle Gym, which typically means that groups of 5 or 6 people work together on various exercises to accumulate a number of reps.  The goal is to do your personal best but also support your team.  And no one gets left behind.  The group only finishes when everyone finishes.  Today was different though.  Today was an individual workout with a pyramid structure for 5 different exercises.  The rower, bear crawls, sled pushes, kettlebell swings, and burpee broad jumps.  Each exercise would increase in reps, lengths, or meters, and the ultimate goal was to complete 5 rounds in 40 minutes.

Normally, I would start panicking before I even started.  I would worry that I would be too slow or that I wouldn't finish.  Or God forbid, what if I was in too much pain or needed to stop?  But today, I told myself from the beginning...

You. Will. Finish.

The first round felt great, but by the second round I realized that adding another sled push or another length of bear crawls was no joke.  And the burpee broad jumps never got easier.  I was winded and my hips burned like fire.  But I kept telling myself...

"Just keep moving."  

One more length.  
One more rep.  
One more row.  

As I started Round 5, I realized others were finishing.  They drank water and chatted, which they most definitely earned the right to do.  And I began to feel that usual anger and disappointment with myself.  I was too slow.  I didn't finish in time.  I was in the middle of Round 5 when time officially ended.  I could've gave up.  I could've quit and walked out.  But another woman was willing to stay and keep working, and I couldn't leave without finishing as well.  I did my last round of burpee broad jumps and my 500 meter row.  It felt absolutely terrible.  At multiple points, I honestly fought back the urge to projectile vomit on the turf.  But as two friends waited with me while I finished, I felt the most amazing sense of triumph.  I collapsed on the floor until I caught my breath, but I was genuinely so happy.  I finished what I set out to do.  And I finished what my former self would've walked away from.

It was in that moment that I realized just how much I gained from not giving up.  And I also proved that I'm capable of so much more than what I sometimes believe.  This diet has allowed me to feel healthier and stronger, but the truth is, this desire to do more was always there.  It just needed to be set free.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dust Yourself Off and Try Again

This week was a tough one.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  It started last weekend when I came down with a nasty cold.  Sore throat, congestion, cough, and extreme fatigue.  I felt like I got hit by a bus.  I spent most of Saturday and Sunday sleeping and eating soup or ice cream.  Yep.  Not following my plan at all.  I ate what sounded good or felt better for my throat.  And I just didn't care.

The rest of my week wasn't any better.  Work ramped up and became insane.  Long days, late hours, and lots of travel.  Again, I didn't eat what I should have.  Some personal stuff happened as well, and my stress level skyrocketed.  By Friday night, I was just excited to feel healthy again, and the hubby and I met some friends out at a new restaurant.  I ordered whatever sounded delicious AND had a margarita.  Once again, epic fail.  I missed the gym again on Saturday because of a vet appointment for our dog and errands and projects for the house.  By this point I just felt off.  Way off.  Saturday night I decided I was sick of it.  I went grocery shopping to restock, and I bought only food that fits my plan.  I knew today would be my day to jump back in.

And today felt incredible!  I have no idea how, after the crazy week I had, but I managed to have an amazing workout at ROC Training this morning!  In the midst of sandbag drags, tire drags, bucket carries, hill sprints, tons of burpees and two miles of running...I never felt any pain!  ZERO!!!  Was I tired and winded?  Of course.  But I never felt like I needed to stop or couldn't handle it.  I went at my pace and it felt fantastic.  We also got to practice some grip holds, which were challenging and fun.  I'm getting so excited for my first Spartan race in April, and I'm loving that I feel better.  It gives me hope that I can go out that day and truly do my best.

I see this kind of training as a true metaphor for life.  It's difficult, and sometimes you have to deal with obstacles that try your patience, or make you stumble, or just plain frustrate you.  But when you overcome them, you feel unstoppable, and you realize that they can't hold you back.  Nothing can if you focus, put your heart and mind into it, stay positive, and lean on those around you for motivation and support.  And man, am I glad for the people I get to train with!

Today was also full of meal prep and getting things ready for the work week.  I even tried a new recipe, with plenty of leftovers for lunches.  This Paleo Caribbean Jerk Chicken was phenomenal!  I'm definitely adding it to my meal rotation.

As I sit here on Sunday night, I feel much more prepared for this upcoming week.  And I'm grateful that I had some quiet time to recharge my batteries.  In the midst of sickness and wanting to keep my germs to myself, I was able to spend time on my own in reflection, prayer, reading, and even just going for a walk with the pups.  Sometimes things don't go according to "my" plan, but sometimes it's what needs to happen for me to be right where I am right now.